Frequently Asked Questions
General Information
Do I have to create an account to place an order?
Yes. To place an order, you must create an Orpida Account.
If you don’t have an account, you can create one here or during your payment in checkout step.
I forgot my account password. How do I reset it?
You can reset the password in this page by entering your username or email address.
What is the Orpida privacy policy?
In short, we will never sell or rent your personal contact information, and we agree it is your right to know what information we gather and how we use it. For more details, see the Privacy Policy.
Where can I buy Orpida products?
Orpida products are available for purchase only on To visit our product lists, click here.
How do I download products from
When you purchase successfully through, you receive a confirmation email that contains the download link(s). You can also find the link(s) in your Orpida Account (Downloads menu).
How long are download links valid for?
The download links are guaranteed to be available for three months.
I am having trouble downloading software. Can I request an alternative method?
After your purchase, please contact us for more information.
Privacy and Copyright
Can I share my purchased product with others?
The copyright rules of only allow the purchaser to use the Orpida Products only for himself/herself as personal or academic purposes.
How can I access the protected products?
If your purchased product has any detailed documents including information of access, password, etc., you will find another download link in your confirmation email or Downloads menu in your Orpida Account.
What payment methods do you accept?
Currently, we accept PayPal including several major debit and credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, etc. So, you can use PayPal when placing your order online on Orpida. We also accept cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin and Bitcoin-Cash.
How does Orpida ensure that my credit card transactions are secure?
Security measures are in effect at the Orpida online store to secure the order information under our control rules and activities. SSL encryption is an industry-standard security measure that we use. Every order is encrypted by us.
Return and Refund
What is the Orpida return policy?
Once the product is ordered, it is possible to return Orpida products by following the terms below:
1- Non-compliance of product’s title with it,
2- Technical problems that prevent the use of Orpida products (outside all alerts and information that are presented in products’ pages, FAQ, privacy policy, terms of use and description/information of each product),
If you have any problem, outside our return policy, in working with our products, please contact us or open a ticket through your Orpida Account.
How do I return a product ordered?
Requests for returns must be made within 5 days of purchase from Orpida via opening a ticket through your account or contact us.
What is refund process?
If your request of return is accepted, we will process your refund within 7 business days. Once the refund is processed, the refunded amount will be returned to your Orpida Account and you can purchase again from Orpida Online Store.
How long are supports available for purchased product for?
Supports are available for free for 3 months after the purchase. Support services include debugging, answering to related questions and release new versions.
How do I submit a support ticket?
Authorized customers can submit support tickets via their Orpida Account. If you don’t find the help desk area, contact us here. You will receive your answer in your email.
Where can I find answers before submitting a support ticket?
You can find answers to FAQ and detailed information about your purchased product on its page in Meanwhile, you may find the answer to your general question in current page.